Autumn is Coming? Hanfu for Early Autumn is Ready!
August 23 is the "Chu Shu (处暑)" in China's 24 solar terms, "处" is mean: "leave", "暑" is mean that "summer". It means that the heat of summer has passed and the prelude of autumn has slowly opened. Today, I bring you some suggestions on the style of Hanfu. They are suitable for wearing when the weather is slightly cooler. Stand collar ao dress (立领袄裙) The weather starts to cool down, so we need to keep warm in early autumn. Stand collar Ao dress fabric selection is generally moderate thickness, if cold can also be appropriate in the clothes wearing clothes to keep warm. Duijin ruqun (对襟襦裙) In autumn, mountain flowers are romantic and suitable for wearing a pair of Duijin ruqun to go out. And the Duijin ruqun is more convenient to handle, if you go out, the action is also more convenient. Crossed collar ruqun (交领襦裙) The crossed collar ruqun is warmer than the skirt, and you can wear thermal underwear under the jacket. In the cool weather. Vertical collar Cape ( 竖领披风) The vertical collar cape is lighter than the stand collar Ao dress. It can also wear a sling, or warm clothes, if the weather is…
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