How To Choose Your First Hanfu
So many choices for your first hanfu—what are some factors you should consider before making your first purchase? I’ve seen a lot of people around asking what hanfu they should buy first and how to pick their first set, so I decided to do an article on some of the factors that you might not have though to consider when choosing your first set. Without further ado, here’s how to pick your first hanfu! PRICE: HOW MUCH SHOULD I SPEND? No matter who you are or how much you predict you’re going to like hanfu, I recommend starting cheap. If you’re buying from an English site, I’d say around the $50-$60USD range is a fair bet; if you’re looking on Taobao I would day that 100-150RMB is a good range (not factoring in shipping) for your very first set. Use your budget as the first and foremost filter for finding your first set—keep it flexible if you’d like, but don’t waste money on your first set when you haven’t explored everything yet. You can think about changing your budget once you get a feel for what you like: do you want to buy a lot of hanfu because you’re not…
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