4 Exquisite Restore in Qin Dynasty Epic – Clothing & Makeup
Some time ago, the Ancient Chinese drama "Qin Dynasty Epic (大秦赋)" attracted a lot of attention. The drama tells the story of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng (秦始皇 嬴政), who with the support of ministers such as Lǚ Bu Wei (吕不韦), Li Si (李斯) and Wang Jian (王翦), in the late Warring States period, destroyed the six kingdoms, and established the first centralized state in Chinese history. The crew's skillful production of scenery and props and costumes, the details of which are highly restored to historical facts, bring a sense of "high class" rarely seen on the screen. Today we put aside the plot, to enjoy the "Qin Dynasty Epic" in the restoration of the ancient Qin dynasty costume and makeup look. About Military Costume Compared with the previous series, "Qin Dynasty Epic" has made a lot of efforts in costumes, props, and make-up, with more than 11,000 sets of costumes and 4,000 sets of armor for different characters, more than 80 chariots, siege chariots, and other large props, more than 10,000 pieces of swords, shields, spears and other weapons, more than 1,000 internal and external scenes and props, and many indoor appliances are modeled after archaeological objects, almost none…
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