How to Keep Chest-High Hanfu from Falling
Want to wear chest-high ruqun but can't seem to figure out how to keep it from slipping? Here are five ways to fix this problem. One of the least favorite kinds of hanfu has been the qixiong ruqun, the chest-high ruqun. Is it because it doesn’t look good, or because it’s not as suited to most people? No, in fact, it can be one of the most beautiful kinds of hanfu of all, calling to mind the Tang dynasty ruqun and the beautiful variations from that time period. But the reason why a lot of people don’t wear it is just because they can’t figure out how to keep it up—the skirt band is notorious for slipping down, even when it’s worn correctly. Well, there are solutions to this dilemma! Read on for some ways to keep your chest-high ruqun from slipping. 1. Wearing the Qixiong Ruqun Correctly Of course, the first step would be to make sure that you’re wearing it right! There are a lot of different kinds of qixiong ruqun, some with two pieces each tied around the torso and some with just one, but in any case you have to make sure that you’ve put it…- 12
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