Lyrics of the Ancient Style Song by the Hanfu Guy, What is the Name of the Ancient Style Music by the Hanfu Guy?
"General Pei Min dances with his sword, drawing a rainbow that moves heaven and earth; adding ink to the grand scroll of Chang'an, pointing at Zhang Xu with his wild cursive brush." This almost entirely allusive Singing in the Prosperous Tang Night is the breakout hit of ancient style lyricist ediQ. In his view, ancient style is a type of music style formed by combining Chinese classical culture with modern popular musical elements. "Ancient style lyrics are characterized by presenting traditional Chinese themes linguistically, with more poems and ancient idioms added to the lyrics." "The painting stained with blood, how can it match the cinnabar dot between your eyebrows? Even if I betray the world, it's just a fleeting splendor." These lyrics come from River Map's The Whole World for You. This song can be considered a divine song in the ancient style circle. It was also the first song I heard by River Map, and his warm and jade-like, deeply affectionate male voice instantly attracted me. Yes, everyone says that ancient style songs often evoke sorrow, and most ancient style songs tend to tell sad stories. Therefore, in many ancient style dubbing works, they mostly feature heart-wrenching, ancient-style narration,… -
Comparison of Hanfu Beauties and Ancient Style Songs, Hanfu Beauty Ancient Costume Song Lyrics
The album of beautiful ancient style Hanfu beauties is a collection of related images of beautiful ancient style Hanfu beauties compiled by users on 5tietu.net. Each image in the album of beautiful ancient style Hanfu beauties is uploaded by different users, and the album is organized by users from images within the site. Remember that all images in the album of beautiful ancient style Hanfu beauties are copyrighted by their respective owners and should not be used for any commercial purposes. The album of fresh and elegant Hanfu beauties is a collection of related images of fresh and elegant Hanfu beauties compiled by users on 5tietu.net. Each image in the album of fresh and elegant Hanfu beauties is uploaded by different users, and the album is organized by users from images within the site. Remember that all images in the album of fresh and elegant Hanfu beauties are copyrighted by their respective owners and should not be used for any commercial purposes. The album of retro Hanfu beauties with an ancient style is a collection of related images of retro Hanfu beauties with an ancient style compiled by users on 5tietu.net. Each image in the album of retro Hanfu beauties…
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