Ming Dynasty Style Upper Robe Making Process – Lining Tutorial
First, the finished product. Then the tutorial~ Complete set with no visible stitching The advantage of lining is right here. I prefer more delicate items~ Let's show various linings: Let me explain. When I first started making it, I made it too long. So the process images and various display images are from when it was initially made and were longer. The real person in the top image is after it has been shortened to the appropriate length. The outer fabric and lining are both scraps. The outer fabric scrap cost 10 yuan. The inner fabric was bought in 5-6 meters for a few yuan, which is very thin cotton. This time, it cost about 2 yuan. Total cost: 12 yuan Time spent: 2 evenings. One evening for cutting the fabric, one evening for making and taking tutorial photos~~ The images are still being edited. Making tutorials is really a laborious task~~ Suggestion: It's best to choose a lining that doesn't have a distinguishable front and back. You know what I mean. Otherwise, you'll have to differentiate between the outer and inner fabrics while sewing. That would be quite tragic. Additionally, if you're really confused, find something with a lining…
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