The Most Anticipated Costume Dramas of 2024 – Get Ready for an Epic Journey into the Past
Every year, the most explosive, buzzworthy, and actor-elevating genre undoubtedly belongs to costume dramas. This is why every year, costume dramas flood the market, attracting both investors and actors. In the upcoming lineup of Chinese video platforms in 2024, costume dramas have earned an incredibly important position. In this article, the highlights of the costume dramas that will soon be aired on Tencent Video and Youku Video. 1-Costume dramas on Tencent Video Among the upcoming lineup of costume dramas on Tencent Video, they have the fewest number compared to the other four major Chinese video platforms, with only 14 productions. However, there are still plenty of potential blockbusters among them, most of which are sure to become highly-discussed hot dramas. The Legend of Shen Li Leading the pack is the director Deng Ke's "The Legend of Shen Li," starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin. It is adapted from Jiu Lu Fei Xiang's novel "Ben Wang Zai Ci." The reunion of these two actors reminds people of "Princess Agents," as the second season of that show is still eagerly anticipated. Audiences can only temporarily relieve their longing through "The Legend of Shen Li." Zhao Liying's talent is beyond doubt,…
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