Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself

Hanfu is one of the traditional Chinese costumes. In the various types and styles of Hanfu clothes, how to choose a suit for yourself according to your figure? What problems should we pay attention to when selecting?

Only by choosing a suitable Hanfu for yourself can the beauty of Hanfu be fully displayed. , we will take a look at the characteristics of several different styles and shapes of Hanfu to see how to choose a suit for ourselves.


Many people who love Hanfu especially like Qixiong Ruqun. So what kind of person is more suitable for Qixiong Ruqun?

A. Slim girls are more suitable for Qixiong Ruqun, because the super high waist Hanfu on the chest can visually lengthen your body lines, make you look taller and more imposing.

B. Girls with smaller breasts are more suitable for Qixiong Ruqun, because when girls with big breasts a full length Ruqun, their breasts will hold up the part under the skirt, which will make people feel pregnant and give them a feeling of bloated. And the girl with smaller chest will look more charming and lovely.

Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-1Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-2Qixiong Ruqun

2. Qiyao Ruqun

Qiyao Ruqun can be divided into Duijin Qiyao Ruqun and Jiaoling Qiyao Ruqun. What body type is suitable for these two different wearing methods?

A. Girls with slim are more suitable for Qiyao Ruqun. Because of the wearing method, Qiyao Hanfu will show waistline more. If the waist is thicker, the waist line will not be so obvious and it seems that the body shape is not very good.

B. Shoulder width of girls is more suitable to wear Duijin Qiyao Ruqun, the lapel of the shirt can reduce people's attention to the shoulder to a certain extent, and shift people's attention to the chest.

Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-3Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-4Duijin Ruqun

C. Girls with large waist difference should wear a Big Sleeve Shirt or long Beizi when wearing Qiyao Hanfu, which can effectively cover your hips. In addition, long Beizi can also modify your body lines, lengthen your body shape, and play a role in showing height and weight.

3. Tanling Hanfu

Tanling Hanfu is a kind of half topless garment worn by women in Tang Dynasty, which fully embodies the graceful posture and natural beauty of women in Tang Dynasty.

Tanling Hanfu is suitable for girls with larger breasts and shorter stature. Because the of Tanling Hanfu is relatively large, there will be a large area of exposed under the chest and neck, which can reduce the existence of the chest visually and make the chest look smaller.

Moreover, most of the Tang Ling Hanfu lower are in the style of broken skirts, which are very thin on the body. Therefore, a whole set of tangling Hanfu skirts will make people very slim and slim.

Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-5Tips For You To Choose The Most Suitable Chinese Costumes Hanfu For Yourself-6Tanling Ruqun

There are more and more people who love Chinese costumes-Hanfu. I hope the tips above can help you choose the most suitable Hanfu for you.

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